Get Grief Relief
I am finally leaving grief prison. I no longer need to tick marks on the wall representing the time since he left. Sitting on "my bunk" I realize I am moving from this grief fog. I see light in the yard. I have hope.
From my journal, Sue Andersen
You can move beyond those early days of grief and find hope too. It starts with small steps like recognizing where grief emotions live in your body, noticing them and with breath work, meditation and movement, releasing them and opening space for hope, love and joy.
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Hi, I’m Sue
I began my yoga journey after the death of my son at age 25.
Grief felt like a giant wave, knocking me down constantly in those first few months after his death. I learned a simple breath practice that helped relieve the pain in my chest and calm my anxiety.
I made the choice to lean into my grief and moved forward step by step.
My grief journey was “one step forward, three steps back” in the early days but that changed over the years as I worked through emotions that came up. Trying different ways to work through and release grief pain helped me navigate the journey. Yoga and meditation were two ways that helped me move emotions from my body.
Becoming a yoga teacher was my way of transforming grief and finding a purposeful life.
I specialize in helping individuals navigate the challenging journey of loss. Through the healing power of yoga and movement, I provide the support needed to alleviate both physical and emotional symptoms of grief.